Chairperson 主席:Lee Jun Han
Secretary 秘书: Teoh Khai In
Treasurer 财政 : Kang Zhi Xuan

恒中足球队是个由一群热爱足球学生们组成的团队。本团的宗旨是培养学生对足球的兴趣,发掘足球人才及培养自律能力。每次练习,球员们都不仅仅能够锻炼出良好的体能,培养团队精神,而且还能提升球员的传球,控球,射门等技巧。每次比赛,恒中足球队都带着 “友谊第一,比赛第二” 的精神把足球体育活动发扬光大。

Heng Ee Football Club, also known as HEFC, is a team formed by a group of students devoted to football. The team was formed with the intention to cultivate their interests in football, to hone their skills and talent in the sport, and to teach them to be more self-disciplined. During each training session, the players will strive to do their best and to foster tem spirit. The cooperation between students helps to improve each others ability in passing, volley, shooting and more. In each of our competitions, the team will always follow the motto, ‘friendship comes before victory, while enjoying and learning comes in between’ and to play a game of football at their very best.

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